You have read a lot of information on this site that we have prepared. We thought you might want to hear what some others have to say about preserving Van Norden Lake and its wetlands. Dr Charles Goldman is a world renowned expert on lakes (limnology) and has been a major contributor to the preservation and restoration of lakes and wetlands all over the world, and especially Lake Tahoe and the Sierras (read Dr. Goldman’s extensive CV). You can read about the important work that Dr. Goldman has done in the references listed below. Here, we would like to showcase the two letters that Dr Goldman has written to the board of the Truckee Donner Land Trust concerning Van Norden Lake and its wetlands. The letters speak for themselves.
The first letter was written in June of 2013, before TDLT switched its plan to draining the the majority of the lake:
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The second letter was written this May when it was discovered that TDLT had changed to its current plan to drain the majority of lake and wetlands and when Dr. Goldman had received no reply to his first letter.