This collection of online resources are related to land stewardship and the Donner Summit area.
Local News Links:
Conservancy and Preservation Organizations
- Northern Sierra Partnership
- Sierra Watch
- South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL)
- Truckee Donner Land Trust
- Trust for Public Lands
Historical Links:
- Central Pacific Rail Road Museum
- Donner Summit Historical Society
- Donner Party Diary
- Historic Donner Trail Committee
- Sierra College Natural History Museum
- Truckee Donner Historical Society
- Truckee Donner Railroad Society
Weather Links:
- Central Sierra Snow Lab
- CalTrans road conditions
- KCRA Triple Doppler
- NOAA weather for Soda Springs
- On The Snow (California snow report)
- Sierra Avalanche Center
Public Agencies

- Donner Area Points of Interest Google Map
- Donner Area Trails Googel Map
- USGS Map of Norden area (download)
- Tahoe National Forest
- Boreal Ski Trails
- Donner Ski Ranch Trails
- Royal Gorge Ski Trails (Royal Gorge)
- Royal Gorge Ski Trails Google Map
- Sugarbowl Trail Map
- Maps of the Donner Party
- Placer County parcel map of Donner Summit
Government agencies
Ski Resorts: